DEBCC 1st Annual Minority Health Summit
DEBCC 1st Annual Minority Health Summit
Tuesday, April 16, 2024 (8:00 AM - 2:00 PM) (EDT)
As April is National Minority Wellness Month, the DEBCC is launching its Inaugural Minority Health Summit, open to all minority businesses and communities throughout Delaware. This event features presentations from local and national leaders on current health issues in the Delaware population and resources to address them to improve health and well-being for individuals, their families, and businesses. The day will include educational presentations, discussions, and health screenings from leading providers in Delaware. The event will also include healthy food and prizes.
Delaware Black Chamber of Commerce
Inaugural Minority Health Summit
April 16, 2024
8:00 – 9:00 Breakfast, Exhibitors, Health Screenings
9:00 – 9:05 Welcome
Ayanna Khan, President & CEO, Delaware Black Chamber of Commerce
9:05 – 9:25 Opening Remarks
Michael S. Purzycki, Mayor, City of Wilmington
Matt Meyer, New Castle County Executive
Bethany Hall-Long, PhD, MSN, BSN, MSN, Lieutenant Governor of Delaware
Melissa Herd, Executive Officer, Region III, Office of the Regional Director, U.S. Department
of Health and Human Services
9:25 – 9:45 Population Health Status in the Nation and in Delaware
Flaveé Banfield, DNP, APRN, FNP-BC, Advanced Family Care (Moderator)
Melissa Herd, Executive Officer, Region III, Office of the Regional Director, U.S. Department
of Health and Human Services
Stephanie Belinske, MPH, Chronic Disease Epidemiologist, State of Delaware
9:45 – 10:00 Break: Exhibitors, Health Screenings, Videos
10:00 –10:45 Building a Culture of Health for Yourself, Your Family, and Your Business
LeVar Johnson, Regional Account Manager, Novo Nordisk (Moderator)
Jill Hutt, MSHP, Vice President, Greater Philadelphia Business Coalition on Health
Lydell Lettsome, MD, WCC, FACS, Medical Director, Bayhealth
Dr. Aisha Lord Ryan, MSPT, DPT, CMTPT, ALL Therapy
Dany Bourjolly Smith, Special Assistant to the Mayor, City of Wilmington
10:45 – 11:00 Break: Exhibitors, Health Screenings, Videos
11:00 – 11:45 Addressing Mental Health: Why It Matters
Elsa Smith, Founder, Nu Beginning Center (Moderator)
Robert Adams, President & CEO, TeleHelp 24/7
Dr. Alice M. Leonce-Stevens, MS. DSocSci, CEO, Holistic Elevation LLC
Shawnisha Thomas, LPCMH, Thomas Clinical Consultation Services
11:45-12:00 Morning Recap and Call to Action
Ayanna Khan, President & CEO, Delaware Black Chamber of Commerce
LeVar Johnson, Regional Account Manager, Novo Nordisk
12:00-2:00 Healthy Snacks, Health Screenings, Action Steps
Exhibitors, Health Screenings, Resource Guide
Create a Health Action Step
Prize Announcements (1:30) – must be present to win
This program is approved for 2.0 SHRM Professional Development Credits (PDCs).
815 Justison St
Wilmington, DE 19801 United States